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2016.08.02 v3.2.21
Bug fixes and engine improvements for even more test accuracy.
If you rely on Speedtest to diagnose connectivity issues and keep your internet service provider and carriers honest, we’d be thrilled if you would leave us some feedback on Google Play. Thanks and happy testing!
Speedtest.net Premium v3.2.18 Final
* Bug fixes
Speedtest.net Premium v3.2.17 Final
* Bug fixes and engine improvements for even more test accuracy.
*If you rely on Speedtest to diagnose connectivity issues and keep your internet service provider and carriers honest, we’d be thrilled if you would leave us some feedback on Google Play. Thanks and happy testing!
by Dave、Kane(尘封之泪)、宇宙之辰
手机网速测试 v3.2.21 高级版 去广告修正中文版
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